Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 The following tamariki scored 100% on their term spelling test. Karawhiua tamariki ma!

Nevaeh A                    Alexis                     Jack

Kaydence                    Amorangi

Aria                             Nevaeh M

Misty-Rose                  Te Ararangi

Harmony                     Arabella

Conversations on our waea pukoro

 For te reo today we are learning conversational reo using our fantastic waea pukoro.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Blogging Competition

 It has been awesome to see so many of you taking part in the blogging competition over lockdown. 

Last week we saw the following people placing:

Blog Post Competition: Wiki 7 we have Arabella in first place with 13 blog posts, April in second place with 10 blog posts and Nevaeh M in third place with 8 blog posts. I know that some of you have done some amazing work and not posted it on your blog. So....... show off your amazing mahi and share it with the world. Karawhiua !

Blog Post Competition: Wiki 8 once again we have Arabella is first place with 15 blog posts, April again taking the silver medal with 12 blog posts and Nevaeh AC in third place with 4 blog posts.

A special mention to Samuel, Aria, Misty-Rose Yazmin, Amorangi, Te Ararangi and Nevaeh M who have also blogged this week. Tino pai koutou.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Lockdown fun

 Kia ora e te whānau

I t has been really wonderful to see so many of the whānau joining us for our morning karakia and waiata session. Thanks also to all the wonderful tamariki joining us for our class meet at 9.45. 

I am looking forward to blogging some amazing work this week. The challenge is to blog at least one piece of your mahi on your own blog and I will find some super cool stuff to blog. Stay safe and be kind.

I am loving Nevaeh's awesome alphabet challenge. Taukē Nevaeh.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tamariki 2020

 What a fantastic bunch of tamariki we have had this year. Always here at school, ready for learning and contributing in discussions. It's been a great year for our whānau.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Mahuika & Māui

 Kia ora kōutou

He tino poho kereru ahau o te rōpu kōtiro i tēnei akomanga. They have created this animation to retell the story of Mahuika and Māui and the quest for fire.

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Ruma 3 2019 Who are we?

Kia ora koutou, nau mai haere mai ki tēnei rangitaki. Who are we?  This year we have got an amazing class of 26 akonga and an fa...